Takko analysis: Local online campaigns achieve the highest click-through rates in these countries

Takko analysis: Takko Fashion evaluates over 30,000 online campaigns in collaboration with the online marketing platform Localyzer. The results show the advantages of location personalization in online marketing. Event campaigns in particular are best received by consumers

Store analysis: These clothing retailers dominate Germany’s major cities

Titel_filial-analyse deutsche großstädte

Economic uncertainties, rising rents and changing consumer behavior: The German retail sector is in crisis. More and more retailers are withdrawing from the traditional store business and focusing on online business. But what is the current situation regarding the presence of textile and fashion companies in major German cities?

Online marketing: flexibility is the new recipe for success today!

Flexibility is the recipe for success today! Markets are subject to constant change. What is totally in vogue today can be replaced by new achievements tomorrow. Such trends must not be ignored in marketing either.

Reach the target group – for little money

Outsourcing marketing is expensive, isn’t it?
Especially with a single or a few locations, you quickly ask yourself whether it’s worth it at all to outsource marketing or whether you can manage it more cheaply yourself.

Local campaigns for every location: no one has time for that!

Local or national, it doesn’t matter? The more locations you have with your business, the more costly it is to launch a dedicated advertising campaign for each of them

Local online marketing: advertising is most widespread in these cities

Local businesses are often faced with the question of how to reach more potential customers and how to build trust in their brand. The answer: local online marketing.

Invisible products: How do I make a service visible?

unsichtbare Produkte

How do you make the invisible visible? If you search for a sofa or a bicycle, a lot of beautiful pictures pop up. It’s not always so easy with services. So you have to proceed differently – with emotions and associations.

Digital location marketing: Advertising clicks best in these cities

Online Klickraten in deutschen Städten

Local digital marketing is becoming increasingly important for local companies and stores. Higher visibility, sales increases and trusting customer relationships are just some of the benefits that local online measures offer. In addition to the choice of advertising channel, the actual location can also be crucial to the success of a campaign. But in which cities is it particularly worthwhile to place online advertising?

Privacy: Being successful despite guidelines


Data protection and privacy have been an issue ever since personal data storage has existed – even in the analogue space!

Local businesses: What does the future hold?

Lokale Geschäfte

How will local shops function in the future? For many local shops, it will be necessary in the future to use strategies such as e-commerce, mobile payment and omnichannel in order to adapt to online trends.