Who is where? generations on the internet

For every dealer and service provider, the target group is an important factor in the sales strategy.

All target groups are available on the Internet, but what do you have to pay attention to?

⛹ There are currently five generations in the digital space: the war generation, the baby boomers and generations X, Y and Z. Each person in this group has individual requirements, but you can identify a few trends.

⛹ The further back the year of birth, the more important personal contact is. A consultation in private is most desirable. Going further forward in the year of birth, the digital presence becomes more relevant. It must be simple in design and intuitive to use. If you have questions, an FAQ or a chat bot is often sufficient.

⛹ That’s why it’s important to keep an eye on your target group on your own homepage. In addition, the use of social media is generally recommended, since many generations are represented here and attention is generated there.

But the most important thing is always a professional design. Anything else can damage the image. 😎

Wer ist Wo? Generationen im Internet