Stay true to the line: online and offline
Before you open a trade or offer a service, you already have very concrete ideas about what the concept of it will look like. These ideas may change over time, but you should always stay true to your line. These are often details that the customer appreciates and loves.
🏹 This line loyalty is also an important strategy for the recognition value and the coherence between online and offline in the digital space.
In concrete terms this means:
🏪 If the local shop is decently and elegantly furnished, the website should also look like this.
🏪 If bright and bright colors are popular, then you can also bring in some nice effects online.
🏹 It sounds logical at first, but unfortunately many websites do not fit the respective trade or service at all.
🏹 It doesn’t matter whether you do the design yourself or hand it over to professional web designers, the realization shouldn’t deviate too much from the offline version.
👉 The customer must be just as convinced of the idea in the digital space as in the local business.
Staying true to one’s line completes the overall picture and looks serious.
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