Shopping experience: What promotes “fun”?

Shopping experience – just a marketing word?

Of course, the word alone is meant to suggest the true joy of shopping. But that doesn’t mean you can’t realise something like that – both in stationary and digital retail.

👞 In a local shop, customers can be advised and offered the opportunity to test the items on site or to hold them in their hands. This gives them a feel for the object and helps them make an informed purchase decision, which always has a positive effect on their shopping behaviour and the image of the retailer.

📱 In digital space, touching is rather difficult. Thanks to virtual reality, however, it is possible to get an ever better picture of the product, even on one’s own body or in one’s own home. Not a complete substitute for the live experience, but you can see it directly in the appropriate space.

☕ With food, tastings are possible in the local shop. In the digital space, this can at most be realised via tasting packages or free gifts with the order, but is likely to have a reduced effect – due to the lack of olfactory stimuli during the purchase.

Putting the customer at the centre is how you design an experience!