What does software for local online marketing need to do?

What does software need to offer to be suitable for local online marketing?

During (further) development, we thought long and hard about what our software needs to do to offer our users a real advantage.

🖱 Intuitive usability creates a better overview and avoids errors when creating campaigns – it also saves time when “learning the ropes”.

🔎 Transparency ensures that you always know exactly what is being advertised, where and for how long the campaign is running.

🕑 Working hours are increasingly flexible these days. Self-service must therefore be available 24/7 so that changes can be made at any time.

📈 Statistics are the be-all and end-all when evaluating success. It must be possible to view these in detail for each individual campaign.

🤖 An advertising concept must be sufficient to cover all channels simultaneously. The software must automatically adapt the specifications of the individual platforms.

💰 The campaigns must be cost-optimised and therefore accessible for large and small budgets.

This is the only way to make local online marketing simple and efficient!
