Affiliate Marketing: Makes Sense in Retail?

In addition to your own website, social networks are a perfect place to communicate with your customers and prospects. Should one proceed in the same way as with advertisements in newspapers or on the radio?

👜 First of all, it depends on the social network. Is it mainly advertised there with text, images or videos? TikTok, for example, only works with videos. It is best to first choose the medium that you are used to. It is also possible to expand the reach to other social media later.

👜 Offers and promotions are of course welcome. Brief information and a suitable picture are often sufficient, possibly a link to your own website.

❗ Under no circumstances should you only post facts. The purchase decision has a lot to do with trust and emotions. That’s why you can definitely show yourself there with your team, bring in personal experiences and point out special situations. Fundraising campaigns for charitable purposes also contribute to a good image and help people in need.

You should not only offer your products on social networks, but also a piece of your life story and your dreams. 🙂

Affiliate-Marketing: Sinnvoll im Einzelhandel?